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Why Buy Only "DEVIL WILL CRY"?
#1 Recognized Brand in Safety and Security.
100% Quality Tested Product You can Rely On.
Made under "Make in INDIA".Uses International Japanese formula.
Extended nozzle tech guarantees accurate fire on target.
Exclusive design and branding
Only brand to have direct customer support.
Extra strong "DEVIL WILL CRY" is the strongest self-defence formula in the WORLD.
Free Training program.
Personal safety should be the first priority of any individual. One should be well aware of the concept of self defense and should also be able to spread awareness about it to the near and dear ones, especially children and women. You can also equip them with tools like self defence pepper spray. Use it if you genuinely feel a man is misbehaving or has malicious intentions. Most of times, it is also about being self confident and fearless when out there at times when you should be a little more protected and safe from dangers. We at "DWC", aim at bringing the best self defense tools to companies and consumers world-wide. The most popular products involve pepper sprays . The best thing about pepper spray is that it is non-lethal and very effective in stopping attackers in their tracks. It is suggested NOT to use the self defence spray for fun or with the intension of hurting someone who is harmless. As a modern “weapon”, safety spray for ladies ensures that you feel protected all the time. To know more about the safety spray for ladies, you can contact us and one of our team members will reach out to you as soon as possible. We would also be happy to hear from you about your suggestions or experiences with the "DEVIL WILL CRY" products. Buy Pepper spray from only as it's verified and tested by Getsuga. You should not buy pepper spray from local shop as they are not tested and use useless red chilli powder. If you buy pepper spray from authority website which is 100% quality tested and testing is done before the can is sent to you. When you buy pepper spray from we can also gift wrap it on your request.
How to prevent rape in India?
Be aware that rapists are in every corner of India. Stop thinking that this can't happen to you or people you know. Help to educate women and girls that they are not weak and if someone attacks, they can fightback.
Carry DEVIL WILL CRY self defence spray. Have the confidence to use it if you are being attacked or you see somone being attacked.
Use your cellphone to share your live location if you are worried for your own safety or that of somone around you.
Teach brothers, sons, nephews etc molesting a women is the worst thing to do and if they do it their mom and sister will never talk to them. Rapists are also someone's brother/ son / husband so changing the metality of Indian men is very important.
Avoid Indian movies that potray sex in a very wrong way which is detrimental to the mental health of Indian men. In many Indian movies it's shown as ok to chase/ stalk women by hero of the movie. This is creating the wrong impression in the minds of Indian men on how to approach women. Don't watch these movies, don't be a fan of the actors in these films. Do what you can to make it unprofitable for movies of this nature to be made.
Use religion as your ali. Gurus and mullas should tell their followers that if they rape women or girls they go to hell. Religious fear is a very big deterrent in India.
Remember police frequently do not listen to victims in India. Seek support from NGO / Media before and after approaching the police when reporting sex crimes.
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